(2016) Science and education, 1, 102-106. Odessa.
Maksym Іmeridze,
post-graduate student, Department of pedagogy,
South Ukrainian Natіonal Pedagogical Unіversity named after K. D. Ushinsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article presents the experimental model of future teachers’ media education competence formation. Teachers use media technologies when preparing for lessons, studying the experience of their colleagues, self-educating, exploring the content of other authors’ works, organizing work of pupils in online laboratories; carrying out online academic performance ratings, encouraging pupils to perform creative tasks which provide information search in the Internet, creation of own blogs and websites, participation in telecommunication projects, network competitions and so forth. The promotion of a fundamental idea able to develop media competence is considered to be a necessary condition of modelling. Knowledge and abilities are the effective device of thinking if they are organized in the system of interconnected concepts in students’ consciousness. Therefore, the high level of knowledge acquisition means students’ ability to freely apply this knowledge under various conditions. It has been determined that the media-educational competence of teachers of social studies and humanities is a complex professional construct providing their understanding of sociocultural, economic and political peculiarities of media functioning, reflecting their desire and ability to be bearers of mediacultural standards in educational media space, play and produce new elements of media culture in the modern society. The review of scientific sources allows to justify the model of Media-competence as part of the educational process, aimed at developing social media culture, preparing a person for safe and effective interaction with modern media, including traditional (print, radio, cinema, television) and innovative (computer-mediated communication, Internet, mobile telephony) forms with the development of information and communication technologies; understanding the types of media and their impact on people and the society.
media, media education, mediacompetence, computer approach, preventive, educational technology, educational technology, mass-media.
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