Iryna Rozhko. Scientific Approaches to Primary School Students’ Musical Memory Development

(2016) Science and education, 1, 97-102. Odessa.

Iryna Rozhko,
post-graduate student, Department of Methods of Music Education, Vocals and Choral Conducting,
Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University,
music teacher of Higher Municipal Educational Institution of
Sumy Regional Counsil «Lebedinsky A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical College»,
73, Lenina Str., Lebedin, Ukraine. 



The role of cognitive processes in the implementation of the musical activities of pupils is a topical issue of theory and methods of contemporary music education. The perception, thinking, imagination, attention, and memory of primary school students, their psychological experience, emotional, motivational, and other spheres of life has its own significant features different from the corresponding aspects of adults’ psyche. Primary school age is considered to be the most favourable for the musical memory development by a variety of psycho-physiological and educational factors. The functioning of musical memory, the specifics of mnemonic processes (memory, storage, playback, remembering, forgetting) are special for different age groups of pupils and for various acts in Music lessons. The analysis and comparison of existing approaches to the definition of the characteristics of primary school students’ memory have been presented in the article. The essence of the concepts of «mechanical nature of memory», «logical memory», «spontaneous memorization» have been described there. The author emphasizes the importance of conscious memorization of musical material, compares the performance of voluntary and involuntary memory, dependant from the organization of mnemonic activity. The author proves the feasibility of the development of the spontaneous type of music material memorization. The practical significance of the study is the generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience in the issue of musical memory development. Memory is one of the central and basic mental functions in early childhood. The problem of the development of memory is important in contemporary music education. The further researches will be focused on the analysis of the pedagogical conditions of the musical memory development in primary school students, and also on the examination of emotions and motivation of personality in mnemonic system of primary school students. 


musical memory, psychological development, mnemonic activity, mechanical nature of memory, logical memory, spontaneous memorization.




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