Alla Lynenko. Professional Identity in Terms of Future Teachers Training: Theoretical Aspect

(2016) Science and education, 1, 72-76. Odessa.

Alla Lynenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Music and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with philosophic, psychological and pedagogical approaches to the study of the concepts of “identity”, “identification”, “pedagogical identity”, and “pedagogical ideal”. It has been noted that the issue of professional identity formation is especially relevant due to the fact this phenomenon allows a student to estimate his/her abilities, skills, interests, which leads to self-determination (personal identity); to perceive his/her strengths and weaknesses, shape his/her destiny in personal and professional aspects. The carried out review of philosophic and psychopedagogical literature allows to reveal the essence of the concepts “identity”, “identification”, “pedagogical identity”. Identification is considered as a mechanism, the process of development, functioning and formation of identity. It causes self-equation with other people or a certain group, which leads to the imitation of other people’s behaviour and actions, assumption of their values and attitudes, whereas identity is regarded as a social product, which arises as a result of dialectic interrelation of a personality and society. The purposefully organized educational process at a pedagogical higher educational institution aiming at the formation of professional identity gives a future teacher an opportunity to perceive social importance of the profession of a pedagogue, his/her responsibility to the society for the results and consequences of pedagogical activities; to form professional competences, professional consciousness, stable reflexive position, manifested in constant need for self-assessment, self-analysis, pedagogical activities, correction of personal and professional qualities necessary for the fruitful creative pedagogical activity. The professional identity of a future teacher is based on the process of self-comparison with an educational ideal, which is considered as motivation to comprehend the profession through self-revealing, self-development, self-education and self-improvement.


identity, identification, professional identity, pedagogical ideal, future teacher. 




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