(2016) Science and education, 1, 67-72. Odessa.
Andrii Bohatov,
lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport Disciplines,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article deals with the components of preparation and evaluation criteria of future Physical culture teachers’ preparedness for health saving environment organization. It has been revealed that for the formation of health saving educational environment a teacher should have the high proficiency level, which implements the educational process on the basis of the following principles: individualization, demonstrativeness, balance, all-round development of a personality, considering individual and age characteristics of students, bonds between theory and practice, consistency, etc. The following components have been distinguished: motivational and axiological (which manifests itself in understanding axiological attitude towards professional activities, oriented at promoting and saving health, forming health saving educational environment), cognitive (involving students’ knowledge, abilities and skills in terms of creating health saving educational environment), operational and activity (providing acquisition of methodic and practical tools of using knowledge for the adoption of new forms of activities, the formation of skills in the field of organization and management of health saving educational environment at a higher educational institution), reflexive (providing the process of perceiving oneself as a professional, accepting one’s own inner world; the analysis of one’s own activities, etc.). The following criteria have been selected for the estimation of preparedness levels: axiological (involving information about the motivation of future Physical culture teachers to professional activities focused on the formation of health saving educational environment), epistemological (providing the assessment of knowledge in the field of health saving educational environment formation), organizational and constructive (providing estimation of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in the sphere of health saving educational environment), as well as axiological and reflexive (oriented at the assessment of skills, knowledge and experience gained in health saving educational environment). It has been also revealed that the formation of health saving educational environment provides rational organization of the educational process. It should be based on the principles of videoecology, healthy living, using recreational health saving technologies, keeping health and safety policy, etc.
preparedness, health saving principles, future Physical culture teachers, educational environment, components, criteria, structural components, organization of the educational process.
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