(2016) Science and education, 1, 62-66. Odessa.
Svitlana Yermakova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Law,
Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, 4, Didrikhsona, Odesa, Ukraine
The article deals with the theoretical and methodological issues on applying the basics of lean production at higher educational institutions, considering peculiarities of their activity, specificity of their goals. The article is aimed at studying the development of higher technical education on the principles of lean-conception. The aim of the article also involves solving the following tasks: disclosing and justifying the elements of the system of higher technical education development based on the principles of lean production; defining potential usage of lean manufacturing tools in higher education, particularly at modern higher educational institutions. The research methods have been selected as follows: methods of analysis, diagnostics, observation, and pedagogical experiment. There has been revealed the essence of lean use of resources of higher technical educational institutions in the experimental embodiment of monitoring the technology of professional preparation of future professionals at higher technical educational institutions based on the ideas of lean production. The educational purposefulness of the advanced training of future specialists in their professional preparation at higher technical educational institutions based on the ideas of lean production to their professional activity has been proved. It has been also justified that lean-technology of professional training at higher technical educational institutions in the context of lifelong education on the basis of lean production of knowledge is the system of continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process and lean usage of its capabilities at higher technical educational institutions as the dominant idea of professional training of future engineers focused on continuous revealing and preventing educational losses for the development of professionalism and creativity due to the pull production of knowledge and its constant self-improvement.
higher education, higher technical educational institution, monitoring of professional training, lean education, lean strategy, kaizen.
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