(2016) Science and education, 1, 57-61. Odessa.
Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Legislative Proposals
and Problems of Culture Financing,
Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies,
21, I. Mazepy Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is deals with the issue of educating a personality in the context of public interests of the Middle Ages. The author focuses on the fact that church considered to be the main ideological basis of the society development at that time. The ideological approach was based on special ascetic doctrine, according to which one should ignore all worldly goods. Asceticism was manifested in all spheres of culture and was predominant in life of the time. The development of the educational practice caused the activation of special spiritual education, which was implemented through the system of church education. The author describes the specificity of education in feudal society. The educational system had class structure as was dependant from influential social circles. The following kinds of education in feudal society have been distinguished: church, knight, and public. Church education involved parochial, almonry and cathedral schools. The author also describes the system of knight education, which was based on seven principles: riding, javelin throwing, playing chess, writing poems, singing, playing musical instruments. The peculiarities of public education have been also described. Craft and trade in towns and cities contributed to its development at that time. Education of rural people involved physical, labor, moral and religious development. The development of the educational potential of that time was associated with the epoch of Kievan Rus, when the basis of the pedagogical thought has been formed. Besides, the most famous literary works of that time have been reviewed in the article.
education, society, Middle Ages, Kievan Rus.
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