Jiao Ying. Methodical Support of Future Music Teachers’ Aesthetic Development in the Process of Teaching Piano

(2016) Science and education, 1, 51-56. Odessa.

Jiao Ying,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article reveals the main components of the technique of aesthetic development of future Music teachers in the process of piano training. The concepts of artistic-aesthetic and developmental potential of piano performance have been described. They are considered as a purposefully implemented complex of aesthetic properties of piano world music heritage and opportunities of its usage as an educational tool in dealing with the issues of future Music teachers’ aesthetic development. This potential is conditioned by the following factors: artistic and aesthetic correspondence of piano art to the principles which are predominant in a certain epoch; multicultural facts of education and aesthetic development, which actualize the multicultural principle in repertoire selection; artistic and mental aspects of piano performance based on the specificity of compositions interpretation; personal development of a performer based on natural human aesthetic sensitivity. The following scientific approaches have been chosen as the main ones in the developed technique: artistic and mental, anthropological, and dispositional image-building. The following pedagogical principles has been suggested: cultural correspondence of aesthetic phenomena assessment; consideration of artistic and mental aspects of perception and understanding of the aesthetic in arts; orientation at anthropological aspects of the aesthetic in human abilities; multicultural principle; pedagogical focus on the interdisciplinary synthesis; multimodality of aesthetic sensitivity in piano training. The efficiency of the generalized pedagogical condition (actualization of artistic and aesthetic orientation of piano training, as well as such essential pedagogical conditions as purposeful implementation of interdisciplinary bonds of piano training and humanities; stimulating the need for artistic realization of the aesthetic function of piano performance in pedagogy) has been experimentally proved. The prospects of further research is the presentation of the approbation results of the developed technique aimed at the development of future Music teachers’ aesthetic potential.


piano training, aesthetic development, future Music teachers, artistic and aesthetic potential of piano performance.  




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