(2016) Science and education, 1, 47-50. Odessa.
Yulia Patyk,
assistant of the Department of Social Work and Personnel Management,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine
Motivation is the basis of the professional potential of social workers and is one of the most important factors of work efficiency. A worker is guided not by only one motive, but by several motivational tendencies, and this fact provides an alternative choice in decision-making. In the process of personality development one instills such motivational tendencies, which are recognized by the society as necessary and appropriate. Positive motivational tendencies control the behavior of a worker, prompt him/her to activity, professional growth, reflect axiological orientations and give an idea of the mission of life. That is why, motivational tendencies are a guarantee of the successful implementation of social work in general, and work with children with disabilities in particular. Future social workers’ motivation is formed of the needs, attitudes, interests, ideals, intentions, social norms, roles, values and stereotypes. When working with disabled children motivational tendencies provide the presence of positive emotional attitude in the process of interaction with these children; aspiration for cooperation with them and their families, understanding and perception of the special needs of such children; the desire for professional selfimprovement and organization, the orientation of professional work at goals achievement. In order to identify the motivational tendencies in future social workers the survey involving 27 students of 4-6 th courses, studying on the specialty «Social work», has been held in Odessa National Polytechnic University. The results of the survey have shown that the dominant motivational tendencies in the motivational structure of future social workers’ personality provide material, cognitive and work motivation; communicative, ethical, regulatory and motivation of positive attitude to people are considered to be not significant for the future social workers. The obtained results indicate the need for the purposeful development of motivational tendencies of future social workers in the course of their vocational training at higher educational institutions.
motivation, motives, motivational tendencies, professional motivation, social worker.
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