Oksana Voitovych. Emotional Culture in Professional Training of Future Preschool Teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 25-29. Odessa.


Oksana Voitovych,
lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
(preschool and correctional),
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
29a, Ostafova Str., Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of preschool teachers’ emotional culture formation as an important component of developing students’ readiness for professional activity. The meaning of the concepts of “emotional culture”, “components of emotional culture”, “pedagogical culture of a teacher” is interpreted. The main attention is focused on the features of teachers’ training. The formation of future teachers’ emotional culture plays the special role in this process. Emotional state of an educator often reflects in his/her pupils’ mood, that is why it is necessary to develop emotional culture among other properties of general culture of a preschool teacher. According to the author, the formation of emotional culture is a component of teachers’ pedagogical activity and includes the system of their knowledge and skills. As the development of emotional culture cannot be formed on its own and does not depend on the pedagogical experience, the author offers to form students’ emotional culture in the process of their professional training. In order to implement such a system of educational activity organization, which would stimulate the development of manifestation features of every component of emotional culture, a specialized course “Students’ emotional culture formation” has been developed and approbated. The course includes eight interconnected lessons, which are presented as an integral system, and are oriented at the development of future preschool teachers’ emotional culture, in particular, the following its components: motivational, intellectual and operational, communicational, emotional and volitional. Special attention should be focused on students’ efforts and abilities, motivating them to self-development. Lessons within the course are oriented at the development of own emotional state reflection among students.


 future preschool teacher’s emotional culture, components of emotional culture, professional training of future preschool teachers, preschool teacher’s pedagogical culture.




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