Stanislava Tokarieva, Pedagogical Conditions of Training Future Physical Education Teachers for Correctional and Health-Improving Work at School (2)

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 190-196. Odessa.


Oleksandra Fedorova,
postgraduate student, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Mastering different types of speech activity in the Ukrainian language by foreign students of preparatory department is a process of phased, systematic and continuous formation of speech skills on the basis of acquired language material. Monitoring listening skills formation helps to identify the level of language acquisition, difficulties associated with this type of speech activity, as well as to review the effectiveness of methods and ways of teaching. The complexity of teaching listening comprehension in Ukrainian as a foreign language is in developing the ability of processing the speech perceived by ear in different communicative conditions, both in direct contact with native speakers and listening to recordings (radio, television, entertaining and educational audio resources on the Internet). The choice of forms and methods of listening comprehension skills check depends on the purpose and type of checking (preliminary, current, back, theme, final), the lesson type (lectures, practicals), work phase and students. The aim of monitoring can be checking foreign students’ phonetic hearing, accuracy and depth of understanding the audiotext, complete or partial understanding of basic content of a message, etc. An effective way to organize control of foreign students’ listening comprehension skills formation at the preparatory department in the process of learning the Ukrainian language is oral, written and test check, speech and non-verbal methods of control. Listening comprehension skills check should correspond to the terminal learning objective and stimulate foreign students’ speech and mental activity. Terminal learning objectives of the subject “Ukrainian as a Foreign Language” at preparatory department of higher educational institutions involves practical mastering of the Ukrainian language at the level proper for carrying out cognitive activity in educational, professional, common and sociocultural spheres of life. Diversification of tasks for monitoring listening comprehension skills will provide clear understanding of the progress while studying the Ukrainian language, help to identify the successes and difficulties, allow a teacher to review his/her activity and make some necessary adjustments to the educational process


  listening comprehension skills, terminal objective, type of control, testing, foreign students of preparatory department.




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