Oleksandra Popova. Contextual Approach as Determinant of Professional and Speech Training Intended for Future Translators of Chinese Language

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 156-166. Odessa.


Oleksandra Popova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article is devoted to the problem regarding the realization of the contextual approach within professional and speech training intended for the future translators of the Chinese language within university pedagogical education. The use of the designated approach is conditioned by some contradictions between the abstract and sign discipline of Translation Studies and the real and practical activity relating to the future professional activity of an interpreter / a translator; individual character of mastering knowledge and experience during an educational period, obtaining linguistic and speech skills, integrated skills to perform all kinds of translation in the mode of professional team (collective) work; organization forms of educational and cognitive activity while teaching translation theory and practice based on these disciplines: major foreign language, minor foreign language, Linguocountry Studies and forms of professional and speech activity of a translator; the urgency of professional and speech training of a competent translator and insufficient elaboration of didactic supply for the assigned training. The essence and structure of the contextual approach are analyzed in the article. The contextual approach covers competence contents of the profession – the development of certain knowledge and skills, the present abilities to perform professional duties as well as necessary professional qualities obtained by the end of university training which enable successful professional beginning. The term “context” is understood as pedagogical discourse, active background against which professional and speech training intended for the future translators-orientalists is realized. Professional context influences the entire training process, modifies and transforms it, forms additional content in co-operation with the participants of this process, ensures maximal approach to the profession through the aggregate of all the educational factors. In this connection, it is proposed to direct educational process to the development of professional motivation – consecutive adaptation of the future translators of the Chinese language to translator’s activity by means of academic activity. Thus, the contextual approach within the experimental investigation facilitates the kind of training and teaching in the process of which disciplinary (subject) alongside with social (professional experience of specialists) contents of specialist’s professional activity in combination with abstract knowledge as sign systems are modelled with the help of didactic means.


 contextual approach, professional and speech training, the future translators of the Chinese language, translators-orientalists, university education, quasi-professional activity. 





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