Anna Baliuk. Peculiarities of Preparing Future Master Degree Students Majoring inHumanities for Research Activities Organization

(2015) Science and education, 9, 7-11. Odessa.


Anna Baliuk,
degree-seeking student, Department of Pedagogy,
lecturer of the Department of Western and Eastern languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



One of the main tasks of Master degree students is the formation of their research skills and creativity. The development of research competences is oriented at obtaining skills in exploratory and search activities, creative solving of educational tasks, forming skills of using research methods and techniques for applying in practice while studying and working in the field of education. Research activity of future masters is considered as the work focused on theoretical search for information, analysis and processing of data aimed at revealing main rules and laws, conducting empirical researches oriented at defying common factors; summing up and making conclusions on the basis of the carried out research. In a broader sense this kind of activity is considered as general work designed to increase the level of theoretical knowledge, to form research skills, to obtain professional competences. Master is an academic degree obtained on the basis of Bachelor or Specialist academic level. It is worth noting that research activities of Master degree students differ from those kinds of educational work, which was performed by students before, first of all, by the  level of complexity and scientific character. To obtain research skills master degree students should perform different types of research activities not only at classes, but also at home. Thus, students’ research work involves their self-study. Master’s thesis is considered to be the highest and most difficult form of research activities of students obtaining Master degree. It is worth noting that every Master degree student has to write a scientific article basing on the results of the carried out research, presented in the text of master’s thesis, and to publish it in a specialized academic journal. Besides, they should take part in scientific conferences in order to expand their professional horizons, obtain skills of scientific discourse and join the scientific space. In order to achieve these goals they learn how to prepare theses, abstracts, acquire their own style of public speech. Besides, having a good command of the English language is one of the most important skills for Master degree students, because a great deal of important and useful information is posted on the websites or is presented in libraries in the original and is rarely translated into Ukrainian. 


future masters, humanities, research activities, scientific article, master’s thesis. 




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