Tetiana Kostiuchenko. Essence of Ideologically-Motivational Component in Structure of Future Social Pedagogues’ Health-Saving Competence.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 112-117. Odessa.


Tetiana Kostiuchenko,
postgraduate student,
Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
39, Oleksandra Nevskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The essence and structure of health-saving competence is considered on the basis of reviewing a number of scientific sources in the direction of the contemporary issues of future social pedagogues’ training. The concept of ―health-saving competence‖ is described by comparing notions of ―competence‖, ―health‖, and ―health protection‖. Health is considered as one of the most important human values and is characterized as a personal property, aimed at preserving physical, social, mental and spiritual health. Health-saving competence of social pedagogues is considered as an integral characteristic of a personality, which helps to implement individual and social requirements and demands, to act under specific circumstances, to carry out certain tasks concerning one’s own and others’ health. It helps to organize a healthy lifestyle in physical, social, mental and spiritual and work spheres. The main criterion of this competence is the state of optimal correspondence and harmony between physical, mental and social aspects of human life. The formation of this competence covers a range of physical, mental and social skills (competencies), which promote a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a life system, which is characterized by unity and expediency of its structural components. The processes of self-organization and self-discipline increase adaptive organism abilities, promote regulating its inner resources and abilities in vital, sociocultural and professional development. Responsibility for one’s health in future social pedagogues is forming as a part of competence development and manifests itself in the complex of positive attitudes, developing means and techniques of health protection. Ideologically-motivational component reflects the personally-valuable aspect of health protection and defines health as a result of self-cognition, because state of health defines all aspects of human life and worldview


competence, health, health protection, health-saving competence, structure of health-saving competence, component, criterion.  




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