Natalia Kononenko. Ways of Forming Future Preschool Teachers’ Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge Consistency

(2015) Science and education, 9, 107-111. Odessa.


Natalia Kononenko,
senior research assistant, Department of Preschool Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushysnky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The last decades in theory and practice of education are characterized by special attention to the issues of teaching quality assessment. Many normative documents emphasize the importance of forming theoretical knowledge and practical skills in university students, which would meet modern international requirements and provide their independency, professional competency and creative activity in their future work. The quality of future preschool teachers’ professional competency is a prerequisite for the successful future activity aimed at educating children. In order to find ways of providing efficient training of future pedagogues, methods of professional personnel screening are developed and used; the essence and structure of educational activity, peculiarities of pedagogical mastery formation, means of activating general educational and special training of students as well as their professional competency formation are studied. But the attempts to assess the quality of future preschool teachers’ professional competency by means of studying certain parts of the education results are unproductive and inefficient. Future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is considered to be one of the most important characteristics of the theoretical training quality in higher education. The main prerequisite for the formation of future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is considering an educational process as a complex system subject, organization and management of which is the main task of a teacher. Consequently, when preparing for this kind of activity future pedagogues must obtain profound knowledge in many fields of sciences in the form of a system. Professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is a peculiar quality of the theoretical professional training result, which manifests itself in ideas about the essence and components of the educational process, ways of organizing their interaction with the aim of harmonious development of preschoolers. The formation of future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is achieved by reorganizing and distinguishing necessary information out of a number of subjects, revealing key issues and the sequence of their studying, formulating main concepts, etc. 


knowledge consistency, teaching quality, preschool teachers, professional and pedagogical knowledge, future preschool teachers. 




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