Valentyna Inzhestoikova, Taama Al Ataby Ayad Hayawi Implementing Pedagogical Conditions for Future Drawing Teachers’ Professional Artistic Culture Formation

(2015) Science and education, 9, 67-72. Odessa.


Valentyna Inzhestoikova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
1, Nishchynskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Taama Al Ataby Ayad Hayawi, Iraque



The article deals with pedagogical conditions for future Drawing teachers’ professional artistic culture formation in the process of graphic training. These conditions are the following: perception of professional artistic culture as a multiaspect phenomenon and an integral system of personality’s general and cultural development; integration of special subjects with humanitarian and practical ones, necessary for further artistic pedagogical activity; immersion into active creative artistic professionally oriented activity, etc. Research materials have been implemented into the development and approbation of the interactive course “Artistic graphics”. The examples of involving students in creative professional artistic activity, oriented at absorbing course material by means of creating own artistic projects, developing personal qualities, gaining pedagogical experience, are given in the article. The distinguishing and structuring of the theoretical material were carried out during students’ self-studying by means of writing abstracts, essays with the help of Internet  sources and libraries. All information, found by students, has been gradually generalized into an integral text, which presented general structure and contents of professional artistic culture of a future Drawing teacher. Creative learning activity is a subjective aspect of students’ studying, which manifests their needs, interests, abilities, skills, emotions, etc. Course contents and kinds of activity are extremely important things in this process. Creative activity is interrelated with the development of self-dependence and means the highest state of individuality manifestation. Immersion into vigorous activity by students provides accumulation of knowledge, cognition techniques, intellectual operations (observing, comparing, analyzing, abstracting, generalizing and concretizing); techniques of conscious memorizing (writing plans, abstracts, etc.); using earlier acquired knowledge and skills in solving new problems and tasks.

professional artistic culture, pedagogical culture, artistic graphics, intersubject bonds, drawing.




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