Yin Yuan. Criterial approach to evaluation of art-image memory of future music art teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 63-67. Odessa.


Yin Yuan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Piano Training,
Taishan University, Taishan, China



The article is aimed at determining the criteria and indicators of evaluating art-image memory of future music teachers according to the structure of this phenomenon. The concept of “art-image memory” is clarified; the relevance of this phenomenon in the professional formation of future specialists is explained. The problem of pedagogical diagnosing of this kind of memory formation level is considered. The information on the application of the criterial apparatus in evaluating art cognitive processes is represented. The following criteria are suggested: the criterion of the degree of future music teachers’ motivation maturity in music educational activity is used for evaluating motivational and axiological component; the criterion of piano students’ artistic knowledge maturity is used for evaluating rational and cognitive component; the criterion of the degree of manifestation of emotional responds to art music images is used for assessing emotional and empathic component; the level of the capacity for performing interpretations of musical images is used for creative and praxeological component.

criterial approach, musical memory, art-image memory, future music art teachers, piano education.




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