Tetiana Zharovtseva. Students’ Readiness for Self-Study.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 59-62. Odessa.


Tetiana Zharovtseva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Dean of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushysnky,
1, Nishchynskyi Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Students’ self-study is defined as a multifunctional phenomenon, which is not only of educational, but also of personal and professional significance. The importance of proper organization of students self-study is determined by the fact that it takes about 60% of the total time of the course and therefore teachers should start preparing students for self this kind of educational activity since their first days of studying at the university. Formation of motivation to learning should begin at the initial stage of studying at a higher educational institution. It may be a difficult process for students if tasks for their independent work are just mechanical in their nature; texts for independent reading include uninteresting information, tasks and exercises are too difficult for students or just monotonous; if tasks do not consider individual characteristics of students; if there is no systematic monitoring of students’ knowledge obtained in the result of their self-study, this leads to the fact that students do not perform tasks at all. In the process of organizing students’ course of self-study a number of issues related to students’ readiness as subjects of this form of activity for its implementation arises. Self-study of students is considered as reproducing and creative activities. Reproducing or reconstructive activity is work performed by students according to the proposed models: doing sums, charting, writing summaries, plans and programs of work with children and parents. Cognitive activity of students at this stage means learning, comprehension and memorization of information; its purpose is to solidify knowledge, to form competences and skills. It is proven that self-training activities should be managed by a teacher. It is a teacher, who helps determine the purpose and object of students’ self-study, on the basis of personally-active approach organize the conditions for this activity; plan future professional activities; define the range of communicative tasks. Strengthening the role of independent work of students is a fundamental revision of the organization of educational process at a higher educational institution, which should be designed to develop students’ abilities to learn, to form their motivation for self-development and creative implementation of acquired knowledge, adaptation to professional activity, etc. 

self instruction, student, readiness, learning motivation




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