Egis S. Emre. Determining Maturity of Foreign Students’ Professional Communicative Competence in Professional Training.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 54-58. Odessa.


Egis S. Emre,
postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 




Peculiarities of determining the level of development of foreign students’ professional communicative competence are revealed in the article. Besides, features of teaching foreign citizens at Ukrainian higher educational institutions are described. It has been determined that the basis of communicative competence is a communicative approach (communicative activity). Communicative competence depends on the level of communication culture, which is the subject of human intercourse and interaction, and the latter is the subject of communicative competence. Communication culture is considered as a component of professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher, so it is identified with professional and pedagogical communication. Pedagogical culture is derived from the phenomenon of “culture”. In its contents and forms it represents an independent direction in the development of practical human activity, performs the function of preserving human experience in the creation of cultural subjects in all their diversity. Important pedagogical conditions of forming professional communicative competence of foreign students are the following: accordance of educational material content to students’ educational opportunities; systematic motivation of students to a master a subject; orientation of forms and methods of teaching at the gradual mastery of educational material by foreign students; preparing teachers to work with students-foreigners; creating comfortable linguodidactic environment, providing continuity in learning; the use of intersubject relations in the process of forming professional communicative competence; the organization of professionally oriented communicative activity of students aimed at the formation of professional and communicative competence; creating students’ positive motivation. The work of teachers should be focused on foreign students’ vocabulary expansion, overcoming speech barriers in interaction between a teacher and a student, which is associated with differences in building affirmative and interrogative sentences, in pronunciation, auditory perception, etc. The final aim of education is the formation of a certain level of foreign students’ communicative competence. In order to achieve this purpose it is necessary to determine a number of stages of teaching, their duration, the requirements and the main types of speech activity within a certain stage of students’ training. 

professional communicative competence, peculiarities of forming professional-communicative competence, pedagogical conditions of professionally communicative competence of foreign students at universities, foreign students, communicative approach. 




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