Halyna Dudchak. Pedagogical Management of Students’ Self-Study by Means of Innovative Technologies.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 50-54. Odessa.


Halyna Dudchak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Khmelnytsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy,
139, Proskurivskoho pidpillia Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



At the present stage, the issue of implementing innovations into the pedagogical process in higher education is becoming especially urgent, which is caused by the need for new approaches to training creative, independent, and competitive professionals. Under the conditions of modernization of the Ukrainian system of education, one of the most popular educational forms at higher educational institutions is students’ self-study. To ensure the successful performance of this type of activity by students, new efficient ways, including innovational technologies, must be used in the process of self-study management. The essence of pedagogical management of students’ independent work and its structure are revealed. Its structure presents an interconnection of five components: goal-oriented, motivational, semantic, operational and activity-related, as well as result-controlling one. It has been determined that pedagogical management of future professionals’ self-study has to be based on key principles of person-centered teaching and implemented in the following directions: forming motivation to organize and carry out self-study; creation of favorable and comfortable environment for achievement goals of self-study; provision of opportunities to achieve success, to satisfy cognitive needs and needs for self-fulfillment; use of such methods of self-study management that ensure a high level of efficiency of this process; reliance on students’ experience, knowledge, and skills; control of self-study results. It has been shown that the use of game technologies stipulates motivation to self-study, skills of its organization and implementation, ensures effificent control of its results. Multimedia technologies as a means of future professionals’ self-study management contribute to students’ motivation, activation of their independent cognitive activity, ensure mastering skills of analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, abstraction, concretization, systematization, highlighting of the most important information, synthesis, determination of cause-and-effect relationships, perception, documentation and memorizing of information. Use of project technologies allows to combine theory and practice, studying and real life; it stipulates the development of cognitive, creative, communicative and research skills of future professionals as well as positive motives of self-study, the ability to construct their knowledge independently, to be able to work with informational resources, to think critically; it broadens students’ worldview and develops independence as a personal quality. Further research is oriented at studying international experience of the above mentioned processes realization in higher education. 

pedagogical management of students’ self-study, innovational pedagogical technologies, personalityoriented technology, gaming technologies, multimedia and project technologies.




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