Kateryna Drozdova. Teaching Future Physical Education Teachers how to Form Health-Saving Skills in Junior School Children.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 45-50. Odessa.


Kateryna Drozdova,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods
of Physical Education, Remedial Gymnastics and Sport Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of promoting respect for healthy lifestyle in future Physical Education teachers, conscious attitude towards their own health, as well as the issue of forming and developing health-saving skills in junior school children, forming positive serious attitude towards health as a guarantee of successful professional activity. Mental health is an extremely important component of human health. It can be expressed in asthenic feeling and neurotic states of a person, depression, vegetovascular dystonia, etc. Mental health includes individual peculiarities of mental processes, for example, anxiety, emotionality, sensibility. Another significant component of human health is physical health. It is considered as a natural state of an organism, conditioned by normal functioning of all its organs and systems. The formation and development of health-saving skills in junior school children are realized by means of implementing health-saving activities into the education process. These activities are considered as a complex multifunctional social phenomenon, which provides using appropriate methods and techniques of education process organization, providing saving physical, mental, social and moral health of education process participants in educational, gaming, sport, remedial activities and during leisure time. Preparing students of the Departments of Physical Education for work with junior school children, forming and developing health-saving skills in junior pupils are specially organized purposeful guided processes, which should be carried out in methodological, theoretical and practical aspects. 


physical education, future teachers, junior school children, physical health, psychical health.




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