Tetiana Koicheva. Diagnostics of Organizational Culture of University Teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 41-47. Odessa.


Tetiana Koicheva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, vice-rector for research,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is focused on the peculiarities of estimation of organizational culture state at the pedagogical university by teachers. One of the most important tasks in domestic higher education progress towards implementing European quality standards is corporate culture formation. Being the inner source of higher educational institutions development corporate culture reflects values and unity of lecturers and students’ ambition for achieving common goals, considering these goals as a generally accepted mission. Within the concept of unified European standards of higher education quality the assessment of university corporate culture is an obligatory parameter of monitoring its functioning. The experimental research was carried out by means of express diagnostics; it has shown that pedagogical university corporate culture represented by degreeless teachers can be of four types (according to Cameron-Quinn classification). The productivity of teachers’ scientific work within different types of corporate culture is not the same. The highest level is observed among degreeless teachers whose value preferences relate to market and hierarchical types of corporate culture. Scientific work productivity of degreeless teachers preferring clannish and adhocratic types of corporate culture is much lower. It is important that corporate culture indicators are different in terms of their impact on corporate culture state. For degreeless teachers the most significant indicators in terms of contributing to the state of corporate culture is belonging to the organization, interaction and sociability. Next is career development and organization of work. The least significant indicator is working conditions organization. Thus, the data obtained in the course of experimental research characterize the factors affecting the state of corporate culture of degreeless teachers as well as give ground for developing the procedure of corporate culture formation and development.


 corporate culture, organizational culture, pedagogical university, teachers.




 1. Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Trebovaniya [Systems of quality management]. (2001). GOST R ISO 9001. Moscow [in Russian].
2. Efimov, V. S., Lapteva, A. V. (2010). Korporativnaya kultura – instrument razvitiya universiteta [Corporate culture: the instrument of university development]. Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz – University management: practice and review, 1, 12–23 [in Russian].
3. Solomanidina, T. O. (2003). Organizatsionnaya kultura kak sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe prostranstvo upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami [Organizational culture as social and economic space of human resources administration]. Extended abstract of doctor’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
4. Vysshee obrazovanie v XX veke: podkhody i prakticheskie mery [Higher education in XX century: approaches and practical measures]. Vsemirnyy statisticheskiy obzor po vysshemu obrazovaniyu 1980- 1995 gg. YuNESKO – Global statistical review on higher education in 1980-1995, UNESCO. (1998). Paris [in Russian].
5. Galkina, T. P. (2001). Sotsiologiya upravleniya: podgotovka gruppy k komande [Sociology of management: preparing a group to be a team]. Moscow: Finansy i statistika [in Russian].

Tetiana Korol. Competence in Reading Specialist Financial Literature in English as Testing Subject .

(2015) Science and education, 6, 48-54. Odessa.


Tetiana Korol,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages,
Higher Educational Establishment of Ukrkoopspilka
“Poltava University of Economics and Trade”,
3, Koval Str., Poltava, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issue of the arrangement of testing competence in reading specialist financial literature in English at modern higher educational establishments, namely with its contents determination. The need in the specification of testing subjects of future financiers’ competence in English reading is based on the analysis of current investigations in this field. In this case both stylistic and linguistic peculiarities of English financial texts and professional needs of future financiers should be taken into consideration. Analyzed testing subjects were divided into direct and indirect ones. Students’ background knowledge, socio-cultural knowledge, lexical and grammar knowledge as well as their reading strategies are considered as indirect testing subjects. According to the process of forming English reading competence during English language teaching at a non-linguistic higher educational institution the following testing groups were singled out: certain operations, making up relevant receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; certain reading skills, providing the implementation of a particular reading type; macro-skills of a particular reading type; combination of macro-skills of relevant reading types. The contents of each testing subject group is described in details and based on the methodical interpretation of linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of English financial scholarly texts. The list of particular reading skills, connected with the retrieval and uses of the information presented in English scholarly sources in future financier’s professional activity is specified. Determined testing subjects were matched to the relevant testing types: 1) monitoring testing – certain operations, making up relevant receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; proper receptive lexical and grammar reading subskills; certain reading skills, providing the implementation of a particular reading type; 2) thematic testing and homereading testing – proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills and macro-skills of scanning reading, reading for gist and critical reading tested on the materials of a particular topic; 3) module testing – proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills and macro-skills of scanning reading, reading for gist and critical reading tested on the materials of several topics at a time; 4) summative testing – macro-skills of a particular reading type and combination of macro-skills of relevant reading types tested on the full range of studied topics. The obtained results may be applied to the development of efficient test tasks for reading.


 testing, competence in reading specialist financial literature in English, testing subject, direct testing subject, indirect testing subject, operations, receptive reading sub-skills, reading skills, macro-skills of a particular reading type, English financial scholarly text.




 1. Gorchev, A. Yu. (1984). Obiekty, urovni i priemyi kontrolya [Objects, Levels and Techniques of Assessment]. Inostrannye jazyki v shkole. – Foreign Languages at School, 6, 68–72 [in Russian].
2. Korol, T. H. (2009). Leksichna movna kompetentsiya studentiv u chitanni anglomovnoyi literaturi yak obiekt testovogo kontrolyu [Students' Lexical Competence in English Reading as an Object of Testing. Visnyk KNLU. Serija : pedagogika ta psyhologija – Kyiv National Linguistic University Bulletin. Pedagogy and Psychology, 15, 21–31. [in Ukrainian].
3. Korol, T. H. (2009). Lingvistichnyi aspekt testovogo kontroliu anglomovnoi kompetentsii u chytanni maibutnimi finansystamy [Linguistic Aspect of Testing Future Financiers' English Reading Competence]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Izmailskogo instytutu vodnogo transportu “Filologiia, pereklad”– Collection of Scientific Papers of Izmayil Institute of Water Transport "Philology, interpretation", 43, 115–126 [in Ukrainian].
4. Kushnariova, T. I. (2006). Testovyi kontrol rivnia volodinnia maibutnimy veterynarnymy likariamy vminniamy chytaty angliiski teksty za fakhom [Testing Future Veterinarians’ Skills in English Reading for Specific Purposes]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
5. Maliuha, O. S. (2007). Navchannia profesiino orientovanoho chytannia naukovykh anglomovnykh tekstiv studentiv-magistriv ahrarnykh spetsialnostei [Teaching English Agrarian Master-Students to Read English Scientific Texts]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
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Alla Lynenko, Serhii Smirnov. Motivating Future Navigators’ Self-Development in Terms of Their Competitiveness Formation.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 54-59. Odessa.


Alla Lynenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Serhii Smirnov,
postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issues of motivating future navigators to self-development as a pedagogical condition of forming their competitiveness. The topicality of the issue of competitiveness is caused by the facts that it primarily concerns future navigators’ training. Modern labour market requires the creation of such technologies for professional development, which will allow university graduates to achieve a high level of competitiveness. Competitive professionals much easier adapt to the demands of social environment, achieve higher levels of personal and professional development. Competitiveness formation increases the motivation of future specialists to improve their skills as well as the demands to the quality of their education and improvement of the personal qualities required in their professional activities. Stimulating students’ self-development is one of the main pedagogical conditions of future navigators’ competitiveness formation. The capacity for self-changing in accordance with the social, moral and professional standards and ideals must be a natural need of every specialist. At its core, this phenomenon has a complex system of motives, and its driving force is the need for self-improvement that is a fundamental component of a personality. The article deals with the mechanisms and driving forces of self-development: the interconnection of reflection, self-esteem, self-organization. Self-development involves systemic and consistent work on self-education, the accumulation of professional knowledge, skills formation, conducting a variety of training in order to acquire necessary personal qualities of competitiveness of a future navigator. The article reveals the essence of some of the training sessions on self-development and selfpresentation. The ability of successful self-presentation in the labour market will help young professionals-navigators to participate successfully in the competition with rivals while applying for a job in foreign crewing companies.


competitiveness, future navigator, condition, pedagogical condition, self-development, training, selfpresentation.




1. Ziaziun, I. A. & Sahach, H. M. (1997). Krasa pedahohichnoi dii [Beauty of pedagogical actions]. Kyiv: Ukr. - fin. In-t menedzhmentu i biznesu [in Ukrainian].
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Li Siyung. State of Self-Organization Maturity of 5-7th Graders in Piano Teaching Process.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 59-64. Odessa.


Li Siyung,
postgraduate student,
Department of Piano Playing and Artistic Culture,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pirohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



 The experiment involved 132 5-7 th graders. Two main approaches (pedagogical and psychological) were used for the correction of their self-organization. The psychological approach was based on the perception, cognition and understanding of music information and its generalizing according to pupils’ life experience and creative thinking. The pedagogical one was oriented at the development of pupils’ self-organization with the help of pedagogical techniques and at motivation to successful development, obtaining high level of piano mastery, etc. The experiment was carried out using special texts of N. Miloradova and O. Ishkova called “Diagnostics of self-organization peculiarities”, which helped to analyze the results of the questionnaire. It has been revealed that inclination to organizing one’s own activity is peculiar for 8,9% of pupils in the control group and 7,7% in the experimental one. According to the questionnaire results, these children know what they want, they have certain goals, they always plan their activities, they are able to control their own feelings and psychological state, etc. The survey has also revealed that 23,9% (CG) and 29,2% (EG) of pupils have insufficient level of self-organization maturity. These children cannot determine and set their life goals, they cannot plan their activities and do not control their psychological state all the time; they are not active. Other 67,2% (CG) and 63,1% (EG) of children are not able to organize their own activity. Such pupils do not know what they want, they have no goals at all, they are not able to determine important events and circumstances for goals achieving, etc. The experiment has shown that children’s musical and activity priorities, their interest in becoming independent and capable for self-organization depend on parents, teachers and their peers.


 self-organization, structure of self-organization, teaching how to play piano, 5-7 th graders, results of the experiment.




 1. Afanaseva, N. A. (2008). Samoorganizatsiya – faktor uspeshnosti uchebnoy deyatelnosti [Self-organization as a factor of successful study]. Fundamentalnyie issledovaniya – Fundamental studies, 2, 60–61 [in Russian].
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3. Ishkov, A. D. (2013). Uchebnaya deyatelnost studenta: psihologicheskie faktoryi uspeshnosti [Learning activity of a student: psychological factors of success]. 2nd ed., rev. Moscow: FLINTA [in Russian].
4. Kushelev, V. A. (1988). Problema samoorganizatsii subiekta deyatelnosti [Issue of subject’s self-organization]. Samoorganizatsiya v prirode i obschestve – Self-organization in nature and society. Proceedings. [in Russian].
5. Tkach, E. S. (1979). Muzykalno-pedagogicheskaya diagnostika i nekotorye aspektyi podgotovki muzikantapedagoga v vuze [Music and pedagogical diagnostics and some aspects of training future teachers of music in higher educational institutions]. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy vysshego muzykalnogo obrazovaniya – Psychopedagogical problems of higher musical education, 43, 54– 73. Moscow. Retrieved from: http://www.dissercat.com/content/formirovanie-gotovnostiu-studentov-vuza-iskusstv-k-professionalnoipedagogicheskoi-deyateln#ixzz3VEnh2kNQ [in Russian].
6. Tsagarelli, Yu. A. (1982). Protsessy samoorganizatsii, samoupravleniya, samoregulyatsii v muzykalnoy deyatelnosti [Processes of self-organization, self-management, self-regulation in music activity]. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye issledovaniya psihicheskoy samoregulyatsii: Tezisyi dokladov nauchnoy konferentsii – Theoretical and applied researches of psychological self-regulation: Proceedings of a scientific conference. Kazan: KGU [in Russian].

Iryna Malashevska. Essence, Content and Structure of Musicality of Preschoolers and Junior Pupils.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 65-69. Odessa.


Iryna Malashevska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, doctoral candidate of the Institute of Arts,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
11, Turhenevska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the development optimization of musicality of preschoolers and junior pupils by means of developing the innovative methodology of music education with the help of music therapy. The article is aimed at determination of the basic nature and content of musicality. Methods of the theoretical analysis of psychopedagogical and artistic literature on the researched topic were used, as well as techniques of systematization, classification and generalization of the researched information in order to study the progressive pedagogical experience. The article presents the existing research experience of essential characteristics of musicality in the sphere of progressive Psychology and Pedagogy. The development of some components of musicality influences the development of certain psychological person’s qualities and peculiarities. It has been revealed that different kinds of musical activity can fulfill the function of psycho-training of some psychological characteristics. The analysis of the theoretical literature has allowed to reveal that musicality is a complex of personal qualities and abilities, which allows a man to manifest himself/herself in all kinds of musical activities: such as perception, evaluation or creative work. Structural components of musicality are the following: motivational and need component, emotional and sensitive, perceptive and acoustic, cognitive and informative, active and creative one. Main indicators of musicality maturity are the following: interest to music lessons and education activities, aspiration for participating in different kinds of musical and artistic activities, development of emotional and sensual sphere, depth and brightness of emotional reaction to music; maturity of rhythm sense, sound and timber hearing, some knowledge in the sphere of music art; some skills of creative solving peculiar tasks.


 musicality, structural components, tuneful ear, emotionality, rhythm feeling, musical skills and abilities.




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2. Vetluhina, N. (1978). Muzychnyi rozvytok dytyny [Music development of a child]. Kyiv : Muzychna Ukraina [in Ukrainian].
3. Miasyshchev, V. A. Hotsdyner (1992). Chto yest muzykalnost? [What is the musicality?]. Muzykalnaya psikhologiya: Khrestomatiya [Music psychology: Reading-book]. Moscow: MHK ym. P. Y. Chaikovskoho [in Russian].
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