Tatiana Yeremenko, Viktoriia Ursul. Speech Means of Implementing Interactive Strategy of English Educational and Scientific Lecture Discourse.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 31-35. Odessa.


 Tetiana Yeremenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Head of the Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages,
Viktoriia Ursul,
master, Faculty of Foreign Languages,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
 34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with lecture discourse and its features in the system of modern education. It is noted that today students are not so much the recipients of educational information as active members of the educational process in general, and lecture discourse in particular. Despite the fact that a lecture refers to the traditional forms of training activities, it is quite difficult to find an alternative to it, due to its multifunctionality. A lecturer nowadays is not just a source of information, he/she is an organizer of the learning process, a consultant, a facilitator, who never focuses the educational process just on himself/herself, and he/she is intended to the active co-operation and interaction with students. The most adequate transfer of information to students, attraction of their attention, networking and interaction with students are lecturer’s pragmatic aims. One of the ways of achieving these goals is the use of discourse markers (words, which function primarily as structural units of speech), which indicate the need to change the focus of speaker’s attention and intentions. They help a lecturer to create an interesting discourse, which is easy for understanding; to remove hypothetically existing difficulties, which, in turn, increases the role of the organizing principle of the discursive elements. In addition, the use of connection markers between statements makes it easier to understand a foreign language. It is experimentally confirmed that the speech means of implementing the interactive strategy contribute to the effectiveness of the English language educational and scientific lecture discourse. They facilitate the process of perceiving the content and factual information contained in the text of a lecture; differentiate general and secondary information, and monitor the dynamics of discourse development; promote the establishment and maintenance of communication between a lecturer and audience and contribute to curious active listening and reflection during a lecture.


English-language lecture discourse, interactive strategy, speech means, lecturer, audience.




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