Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko. Interactive Teaching as Means of Forming Foreign Students’ Motivation to Holding Dialog Discourse.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 27-31. Odessa.


Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), acting associate professor,
Department of General Subjects and Language Proficiency of Foreign Citizens,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
1, Nischynskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The purposefulness of interactive teaching for the formation of foreign students’ motivation to hold a dialogue is grounded in the article. The aim of the research is to reveal the essence of interactive teaching as one of the main conditions of forming motivation to carrying on a dialogue in students, who learn the Russian language. The main peculiarity of interactive teaching is that the process of dialogue competence formation involves all students in this procedure, everyone has an opportunity to understand the discussed topics and express own points of view. Mutual activity in the process of acquiring the new information and material in the field of dialogue speech mean that everyone contribute to this process, exchange knowledge and ideas about the peculiarities and the specificity of different types of a dialogue. In interactive teaching students are full members of the process, their own experience is of the same importance as a teacher’s one. In the process of dialogue teaching students learn creative thinking, solving difficult problems on the basis of circumstances and certain information, assessing alternative thoughts, taking part in discussions, communicating with other people. The following methods of interactive teaching are used for the formation of dialogue competence: paired activity, “rotation threes”, small groups activity, cinquain, brainstorming, role-play games, discussion, case-study, etc. It has been concluded that case-study contributes to increasing the effectiveness of dialogue competence formation, the successfulness of practicals, saves time, creates the atmosphere of confidence, etc.


interactive teaching, dialogue discourse, motivation, foreign students, case-study.




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