Zoriana Vysochan. Communicative Competence Formation as Characteristic of Future Legal Experts’ Professional Culture.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 22-27. Odessa.


Zoriana Vysochan,
postgraduate student, Department of Mathematics and Science of Primary Education,
Pedagogical Institute of the Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk
1, Bandera Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Communicative competence is considered as a complex of knowledge about communication under different conditions
and with different communicatiuon partners, as well as the ability to use them efficiently when interacting as a speaker or a
listener. The maturity of this property in future legal experts means that they have speech skills necessary for communication,
as well as knowledge about rules of interaction. Future lawyer’s communicative culture is a personality property, which inte-
grates communicative knowledge, values and experience. Their implementation allows to reach mutual understanding be-
tween subjects of law enforcement activities. The important characteristics of lawyers’ communicative culture maturity are
self-righteousness, the priority significance of communicative, status and existential categories as essential vital senses. The
professional culture of lawyers is forming in a staged manner. The first stage is the point of realizing the destination and mis-
sion by a lawyer, when an expert adapts and gets acquainted with his/her official duties and the specifics of legal institution’s
operation. These are specialists’ first official acts under the control of a mentor. The stage of professional formation of a law-
yer is characterized by full independency in employment activity, by obtaining certain skills, by forming own work culture
and style, etc. The professional communicative competence of a personality is a factor of the maturity of professional know-
ledge system, communicative skills, value orientations, general humanitarian culture, integral indices of speech culture, which
are necessary for efficient work. The specificity of professional communicative interaction of future lawyers is explained by
their readiness to use the obtained professional knowledge in practice.


Keywords:communicative competence, competence, future lawyers, professional culture, communicative culture of future legal experts.




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