Natalia Benkovska. Experimental Verification of Effectiveness of Implementing Pedagogical Conditions for Future Banking Specialists’ Professional Qualities Formation.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 10-15. Odessa.


Natalia Benkovska,
postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The formation of future banking specialists’ professional qualities in a higher educational environment we interp-
ret as a specially organized pedagogical process that provides meaningful impact on all aspects of professional training
of students, the course, which provides a predictable result - achieving the planned goals. The pedagogical conditions,
which provide the formation of students’ professional qualities, are specially created circumstances, conscious changes
of the educational process, which promote the formation of stable positive dynamics of future banking specialists’ pro-
fessional qualities. Interdisciplinary integration of professional disciplines, in our opinion, is a system of interaction
between teachers and students in the training process, which provides the unity of purposes, functions, content and
structural elements of educational disciplines, promotes generalization, systematization and profoundness of profession-
al knowledge and a cohesive professional outlook, as well as harmoniously developed personality of a future specialist.
Interactive teaching methods are simulated interactive activities, which are used in public and state practice of demo-
cratic society. They promote active assimilation of new information, the development of personal reflection, obtaining
experience of interaction in the educational process, the development of skills of analysis and introspection in the
process of group reflection, the development of the ability to resolve conflicts, the formation of motivational readiness
for interpersonal interaction in the educational process and professional situations. The immersion of students into pro-
fessional activities by means of simulating situations of professional interaction aiming at efficient solution of profes-
sional problems promotes the deepening of future banking specialists’ professional motivation and the formation
oftheir professional qualities. It is scientifically proved that the formation of future banking specialists’ professional quali-
ties will be effective due to implementing the following pedagogical conditions into the educational process: updating
of interdisciplinary integration of professional disciplines; activation of interactive teaching methods; implementing of
case study method aimed at understanding the importance of professional competencies for future work.


Keywords: pedagogical conditions, professional qualities, banking specialists, experimental verification.




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