Olena Kovtun. Communicative Approach to Development of Future Preschool Teachers’ Speech Expressive-ness

(2015) Science and education, 6, 155-160. Odessa.




Olena Kovtun,

Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,

head of the Department of Foreign Philology, National Aviation University,

1, Komarov Avenue, Kyiv, Ukaine 



 The article outlines basic stages of the development of the communicative approach to language teaching, provides historical research of the development of communicative linguistics. The essence of such key concepts of the communicative approach as “communicativeness” and “communicative approach” is studied. It is stated in the article that communicative paradigm of language teaching has frequently changed within 50 years of its development; it has been enriched by personality-oriented, cultural, cognitive approaches to language teaching. The advantages of using communicative approach to the development of the expressiveness of future preschool teachers’ speech are proved. Communicative approach to the development of the future preschool teachers’ speech provides professionally directed speech development of the students, proves necessity of students training on the basis of communicative situations, makes the training process close to conditions in which real professional and speech activity of future teachers of preschool educational institutions occurs.


  communicative approach, communicativeness, expressiveness of speech, future preschool teachers, language teaching




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