Viktoriia Yahodnikova. Criteria and Indices of Innovative Orientation Maturity of Educational Process at General School

(2015) Science and education, 6, 148-154. Odessa.



Viktoriia Yahodnikova,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,

Department of Psychology and General Subjects, Director of the Odesa Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”,

19, Chornomorskoho Kozatstva Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article deals with the criteria for evaluating innovations in pedagogy, educational innovations, efficiency of organizing innovation and innovative learning environment. It has been revealed that these criteria have a specific character, which depends on the determination of the aspects of innovative activity. The analysis of the criteria of the educational process efficiency speaks for the great variety of them, which is caused by the specific aims and tasks of the educational process. The criteria and indices of the maturity level of innovation orientation of the educational process have been determined. The criterion of provision manifests itself in the material and technical support, the aesthetic designing of classrooms, information awareness about innovations in the educational process, and personnel maintenance. The procedural criterion manifests itself in certain actions of subjects of the educational process oriented at creating, mastering, implementing and spreading innovations in education. Personal criterion characterizes the positive changes achieved in students’ and teachers’ personal development. Therefore, this criterion includes two subgroups of criteria. The first subgroup is the development of child’s personality, the factors of which are value-motivational (value orientations, motives), cognitive index (awareness of moral norms and rules of conduct and statements of moral judgment), activity and behavioural index (actions, activities, proactive approach to life, ability to establish contacts, cooperate, the ability to solve problems in a creative way), reflexive index (self-awareness, self-education). The second subgroup of personal criterion is maturity of innovation and educational competence of teachers, the components of which manifest themselves in the following markers: motivation-oriented one (the motivation to succeed, awareness of the need for innovative educational activities, positive perception of innovations in the educational process), information and cognitive one (knowledge about innovation, interest of studying innovations use in the educational process, belief in the need of self-development and improvement of one’s knowledge for the implementation of innovative educational activities), communicative and perceptive one (efficient pedagogical communication, the ability to subject-subject interaction, using non-traditional ways of interaction), creative and operational one (the ability to organize educational activities on the basis of creativity; skills and experience of improving and recombining elements, tools and methods of educational activities, creating and using new models, technologies, forms and methods of teaching), reflexive and creative one (the capacity for reflection and self-control, self-awareness and educational activity, the ability of creative self-development, self-improvement, self-realization).


  criteria, indices, innovative process, educational process, innovative orientation of the educational process. 


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