Maryna Baditsa.Training Future Preschool Teachers for Professional and Creative Activity by Means of Productive Technique.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 5-10. Odessa.


Maryna Baditsa,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), teaching assistant, Department of Preschool Education,
Kryvyi Rih Institute of State Higher Educational Institution “Krivyi Rih National University”
54, Prospekt Haharyna, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



The article is concerned with the technique of forming creative artistic abilities in university students while teach￾ing the course "Fundamentals of Fine Art with the Procedure of Supervising Children’s Graphic Activity"; a set of creative tasks within project artistic and creative activity is introduced. The urgent character of its implementation is determined by the fact that contemporary society more that ever requires extraordinary, vivid, creative people, who independently estimate the priorities of their personal and professional development, are committed to continuous self-improvement, capable of generat￾ing new ideas, making non-standard decisions in complicated situations. It is proved that fine art is an important factor of fu￾ture preschool teacher’s personality development, due to its flexibility it develops visual and sensory experience, deepens knowledge, affects the emotional and sensual sphere by means of major artistic devices associated with visual perception (co￾lour, shape, space). The group of abilities under investigation is regarded as a synthesis of creative actions characterized by a conscious search for original artistic and imaginative solutions. On the basis of structural and systemic approach ideas, stages of the simulated process of creative artistic abilities formation (motivational and goal-oriented, content and procedural, evalua￾tive and reflexive), which being interdependent and interacting can provide its integrity, were defined. In their matter, the above mentioned stages correspond to the logic of future preschool teachers training and provide gradual formation and im￾provement of creative artistic abilities. The algorithm of forming creative artistic abilities reflecting the dynamic nature of forming the phenomenon under study was substantiated. The defined stages of forming creative artistic abilities (motivational and informational, reproductive, reproductive and creative, projective and creative, correctional and reflective) provide the transition of the researched ability from simple way of orienting in a phenomenon, its differentiation to the emergence of a creative attitude to reproduction method and finding new actions and its implementation strategy. The technique of creative artistic abilities formation, as any systemic phenomenon, has its own dynamics, amenable to quantitative and qualitative changes in the context of overall professional development of a student as the subject of teaching and professional activity. It provides future preschool teachers’ readiness to preschoolers’ artistic and creative development.


 future preschool teachers’ professional training, creative activity, creative artistic skills, creative tasks, productive technique.




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