Maryna Shepel. Self-Realization of Future Teachers-Philologists as Adaptation to Professional Activity

(2015) Science and education, 4, 143-148. Odessa.


Maryna Shepel,

postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article deals with the issue of self-realization of future teachers of philological specialties (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) as a stage of adaptation to future career. The viewpoints of leading scholars on the professional adaptation and personal self-realization are regarded. By adaptation of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) to their professional activity the author understands the mastery of future teachers’ professional knowledge and skills during their studying at a higher pedagogical institution, the ability to use the knowledge obtained during the teacher-training practice and future professional activity, the establishment of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) as professionals in education. Self-realization of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) is considered as achievement of the sufficient level of pedagogical mastery by future teachers-philologists, as well as the disclosure of their own identity and potential. The author examines the impact of teacher-training practice on self-realization of future teachers-philologists as professionals. Examples of preparing future teachers of philological specialties (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) to teacher-training practice through the module “Professional selfrealization of future teacher-philologist” (which is included into the program of special course “The future teacherphilologist of the 21st century”). The module included lectures, practical lessons and seminars. Much attention was paid to the individual work: writing abstracts, reports, essays, composing plans of events. The implemented methods at the end of teacher-training practice “The level of social and psychological adaptation of secondary school teachers (by M. A. Dmitrieva)” and “Diagnosis of the level of self-teaching and professional activity (by L. M. Brezhneva)” have shown the effectiveness of the presented unit.


  professional adaptation, self-realization, future teachers of philological specialties, stage, pedagogical practice.



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