Mykola Tsarenko, Inna Nikulina. Application of Multimedia in Forming Methodical Competence of Future Physics Teachers

(2015) Science and education, 6, 130-137. Odessa.


Mykola Tsarenko,

PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology,

Inna Nikulina,

3 rd -year student, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In the article a systemic approach to application of multimedia aimed at forming methodic competence of future physics teachers is elaborated and proposed. Based on the competency approach, methods of teaching physics to pedagogical university students with the use of multimedia were worked out and offered for practical application. Considering methodic competency as a component of professional training, the current state of methodic readiness of a physics teacher under conditions of the credit based modular learning was reviewed. The idea of implementing multimedia into training process is reviewed from the standpoints of psychology and pedagogy, nature and didactic opportunities of training information media-visualization, ergonomic and psychophysiological requirements to its representation when teaching physics and methods of teaching it to students majoring in physics. Within two-stage training of physics teachers the procedure of applying multimedia when forming subject competency while studying general and theoretical physics at lectures, practicals, and self-guided work with educational material, techniques and ways of academic performance rating under conditions of the credit based modular learning were proposed. Implementation of the proposed procedure is put into practice partially in modern textbooks, which combine book and electronic versions of the content as illustrated by the chapters “Oscillations and Waves”, “Methods of Teaching Physics. General Issues”. The proposed didactic system of applying multimedia in methodic training of future physics teachers is based on the integral approach to studying general issues of teaching physics, systemic approach to forming basic notions of school course of physics with the use of the developed dynamic computer models and forming teaching and methodic abilities to apply knowledge, abilities and skills in teaching practice at the comprehensive school. 



methods of teaching physics, methodic competence, didactic system of teaching physics, multimedia in teaching physics, demonstration models, multimedia applications in physics.


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