Svitlana Pevna. Student as Subject of Education: Essence and Peculiarities

(2015) Science and education, 6, 106-110. Odessa.



Svitlana Pevna,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer of the Department of English Philology,

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,

1, Gogol Square, Starobilsk, Ukraine 



 In the modern period of civilization development natural is the increase of human factor role, significance of personality subject qualities, first of all responsibility for the personal development and self-realization. In this context actualization of human subject potential becomes the major factor of personality development and of the society evolution in general. The contemporary situation which integrates conditions of autonomy with stability of objective requirements to an individual, changes his/her position in all spheres of life, particularly in education. Education mission involves creating conditions for forming student’s personal meanings, personal development, values and goals. Actual outcome of education within this framework is self-realization of a student-future professional, developing the ability to feel the view of the changing world and oneself as a part of it, readiness and ability to react adequately to unpredictable real-life and professional situations and to form efficiently a relevant model of activity, behaviour with reference to them. Conditions of higher education in professional training for projecting and realization of professional activity are of particular academic interest in the modern situation of human and social development. Development trends of the present-day higher school give grounds for interpreting the phenomenon of personality subjectivity as one of the key factors of personal and professional formation. Consequently, the objectives of subject position disclosure in the teaching and learning activities of the higher educational institution and specification of peculiarities inherent to a category of subject in education appear to be currently important. The article is focused on finding solutions to the problems mentioned above. The review of learned treatises concerning person-centered pedagogy allows to conclude that student-centered learning theory is leading in foreign education and pertinent in higher school pedagogy of Ukraine. Within the framework of modern educational paradigm the attitude of a pedagogue towards students is changing, he/she loses the properties of knowledge translator and leader in relationship with students. Cooperation in education and bringing-up process obtains the qualities of partnership and the pedagogue’s role involves assistance, coordination, consulting, organization of conditions for each personality development. 


educational process of higher educational institution, student’s subject activity, student’s professional formation, educational processes humanization, essence of student’s personality subject position, category of subject peculiarities in education, student’s personal development and self-realization.



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