Andrii Osiptsov. Phenomenology of Human Values of Personality in Modern Science.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 95-101. Odessa.


Andrii Osiptsov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health,
Mariupol State Univerity,
129, prospekt Budivelnykiv, Mariupol, Ukraine



 In modern society the study of the problem of choosing social values, education of human values in pupils and students is not only of philosophical and theoretical, but also of axiological, praxiological, educative and social interest. The review of modern theoretical and methodological bases of educating human values in higher education of Ukraine as well as social and pedagogical observations were the reason for highlighting different science-based points of view on the phenomenology of human values. The aim of the article is to review the phenomenology of human values of a personality in philosophical, psychological, educational, social and cultural aspects of modern science. Some scientists noted that the concept of “human values” involves value orientations of the society, in which a person lives and acts. Value orientations are considered as a personal attitude to material and spiritual values that are reflected in individual’s consciousness and his/her behavior, the way of individual selection of objects of different origin according to their significance. Moreover, value orientations are determined as the evaluation of objects based on their value for a particular individual, meaningful orientation of a personality, the basis of its interaction with various objects; as a structuring of evaluation of subjects in human consciousness on the basis of which there is a conscious impulse to certain activities and satisfying personal and social needs; as social values, achievements. Human values are defined as those which are perceived by people in different cultures, according to their age and social and life experience; as systems of values that theoretically exist in the sphere of morality, ethics, spirituality, culture of a person and the society; as supreme social value, which facilitates the emergence of other values; as a phenomenon of culture of a person and the society. The phenomenology of human values of a personality, methodological grounds of education determinants, the principles and laws of educating human values in students of classical universities help identify the processes of axiologically structured personality formation and study further various theoretical assumptions of psychological and pedagogical patterns of forming human values in the modern phase of classical universities functioning in Ukraine.


 phenomenology, values, human values, classical university, educational process, professional training, students.




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