Natalia Nahorna. Interactive Technologies as Method of Future Psychologist’s Pedagogical Competence Formation.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 90-95. Odessa.


Natalia Nahorna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior teacher,
Department of Pedagogy,
Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University,
24/26, French boulevard, Odesa, Ukraine



 Different types of interactive technologies as a method of future psychologists’ pedagogical competence formation are analyzed in the article. The usage of interactive technologies is the basis for the formation of the main components of future psychologists’ pedagogical competence. The participation in different interactive situations in the educational process helps future psychologists to reveal new fields of professionally essential pedagogical knowledge, master theoretical foundations of their future career as teachers of Psychology. Preparation of future psychologists for their professional activity includes the formation of their pedagogical competence in the field of studying human individual and social nature, as well as peculiarities of different social groups and individuals in specific situations of social life, mastering methods of influence, determining professional opportunities in interpersonal communication, providing the direct assistance to a specific person or a group of people in solving specific problems. Interactive forms and methods of teaching future psychologists are realized by teaching basic courses “Psychology of Higher Education”, “Methods of teaching psychology”, “Higher Education in Ukraine and the Bologna Process” to students. The curricula of these courses have been completed by professionally-oriented topics, which are important for the pedagogical competence formation. As a result, future psychologists have made a conclusion that interactive technologies are able to activate interest in new pedagogical knowledge, which form pedagogical competence and success of their own innovative pedagogical activity helps to uphold innovative approaches. Subsequently, the creation of the above mentioned situations of cooperation in the process of intellectually-linguistic and general interaction and creative collaboration with a teacher helped future psychologists to master the theoretical foundations of their future profession – a teacher of Psychology, able to work in terms of globalization and European integration.


 future psychologists’ pedagogical competence, teaching of future psychologists, interactive technologies, interactive teaching methods.




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