Antonina Minenok. Substantiation of Content-Related and Procedural Component of Model of Future Primary School Teachers’ Professional Self-Development .

(2015) Science and education, 6, 69-74. Odessa.


Antonina Minenok,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



 The demand for continuous personal and professional development is one of the most important for the job of a teacher. It is the teacher who introduces the latest achievements of culture, science and technology, the uppermost ideals and standards to children, their parents and society. Solving this problem is impossible without teacher’s professional self-development. The peculiarities of designing the model of professional self-development of future primary school teachers are discussed; the essence, objectives and components of the professional self-development are examined; the contents of the model blocks are represented in the article. The developed model of future primary school teacher’s professional self-development under conditions of a higher educational institution includes purposeful, organizational and content-related, functional, reflexive and resultative components. The proposed model allows to perform examination of the properties of the organized professional and dynamic system of teacher’s self-development based on the represented conceptual framework in the form of content-related and procedural model of future primary school teachers’ professional self-development. In order to represent the peculiarities of designing the model of future primary school teachers’ professional self-development, the components of professional selfdevelopment are substantiated and content-related blocks of the model are presented. When designing and developing the model of professional self-development of future teachers we proceed from the scientific basis of modelling of educational process as a special form of scientific research based on analogues of investigated objects (visual and figurative, didactic models) that allows to realize the examination of properties of the organized professional and dynamic system for selfdevelopment of a teacher relying on the reasoned conceptual aspects. The presented model of the dynamic system for professional self-development of future primary school teachers operates successfully under conditions of totality, cooperation, complementarity and interpenetration of all selected influence factors in the model and under internal conditions, psychological mechanisms, pedagogical and psychological preconditions which are filled with unity of purpose, content, forms, methods and means, technology of psychological and pedagogical support, monitoring technologies, professional reflection and regulation for providing continuous personal and professional self-development of a primary school teacher.


 professional self-development, future primary school teacher, content of education, higher education, model.




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