Iryna Malashevska. Essence, Content and Structure of Musicality of Preschoolers and Junior Pupils.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 65-69. Odessa.


Iryna Malashevska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, doctoral candidate of the Institute of Arts,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
11, Turhenevska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the development optimization of musicality of preschoolers and junior pupils by means of developing the innovative methodology of music education with the help of music therapy. The article is aimed at determination of the basic nature and content of musicality. Methods of the theoretical analysis of psychopedagogical and artistic literature on the researched topic were used, as well as techniques of systematization, classification and generalization of the researched information in order to study the progressive pedagogical experience. The article presents the existing research experience of essential characteristics of musicality in the sphere of progressive Psychology and Pedagogy. The development of some components of musicality influences the development of certain psychological person’s qualities and peculiarities. It has been revealed that different kinds of musical activity can fulfill the function of psycho-training of some psychological characteristics. The analysis of the theoretical literature has allowed to reveal that musicality is a complex of personal qualities and abilities, which allows a man to manifest himself/herself in all kinds of musical activities: such as perception, evaluation or creative work. Structural components of musicality are the following: motivational and need component, emotional and sensitive, perceptive and acoustic, cognitive and informative, active and creative one. Main indicators of musicality maturity are the following: interest to music lessons and education activities, aspiration for participating in different kinds of musical and artistic activities, development of emotional and sensual sphere, depth and brightness of emotional reaction to music; maturity of rhythm sense, sound and timber hearing, some knowledge in the sphere of music art; some skills of creative solving peculiar tasks.


 musicality, structural components, tuneful ear, emotionality, rhythm feeling, musical skills and abilities.




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