Alla Lynenko, Serhii Smirnov. Motivating Future Navigators’ Self-Development in Terms of Their Competitiveness Formation.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 54-59. Odessa.


Alla Lynenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Serhii Smirnov,
postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issues of motivating future navigators to self-development as a pedagogical condition of forming their competitiveness. The topicality of the issue of competitiveness is caused by the facts that it primarily concerns future navigators’ training. Modern labour market requires the creation of such technologies for professional development, which will allow university graduates to achieve a high level of competitiveness. Competitive professionals much easier adapt to the demands of social environment, achieve higher levels of personal and professional development. Competitiveness formation increases the motivation of future specialists to improve their skills as well as the demands to the quality of their education and improvement of the personal qualities required in their professional activities. Stimulating students’ self-development is one of the main pedagogical conditions of future navigators’ competitiveness formation. The capacity for self-changing in accordance with the social, moral and professional standards and ideals must be a natural need of every specialist. At its core, this phenomenon has a complex system of motives, and its driving force is the need for self-improvement that is a fundamental component of a personality. The article deals with the mechanisms and driving forces of self-development: the interconnection of reflection, self-esteem, self-organization. Self-development involves systemic and consistent work on self-education, the accumulation of professional knowledge, skills formation, conducting a variety of training in order to acquire necessary personal qualities of competitiveness of a future navigator. The article reveals the essence of some of the training sessions on self-development and selfpresentation. The ability of successful self-presentation in the labour market will help young professionals-navigators to participate successfully in the competition with rivals while applying for a job in foreign crewing companies.


competitiveness, future navigator, condition, pedagogical condition, self-development, training, selfpresentation.




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