Tetiana Korol. Competence in Reading Specialist Financial Literature in English as Testing Subject .

(2015) Science and education, 6, 48-54. Odessa.


Tetiana Korol,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages,
Higher Educational Establishment of Ukrkoopspilka
“Poltava University of Economics and Trade”,
3, Koval Str., Poltava, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issue of the arrangement of testing competence in reading specialist financial literature in English at modern higher educational establishments, namely with its contents determination. The need in the specification of testing subjects of future financiers’ competence in English reading is based on the analysis of current investigations in this field. In this case both stylistic and linguistic peculiarities of English financial texts and professional needs of future financiers should be taken into consideration. Analyzed testing subjects were divided into direct and indirect ones. Students’ background knowledge, socio-cultural knowledge, lexical and grammar knowledge as well as their reading strategies are considered as indirect testing subjects. According to the process of forming English reading competence during English language teaching at a non-linguistic higher educational institution the following testing groups were singled out: certain operations, making up relevant receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; certain reading skills, providing the implementation of a particular reading type; macro-skills of a particular reading type; combination of macro-skills of relevant reading types. The contents of each testing subject group is described in details and based on the methodical interpretation of linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of English financial scholarly texts. The list of particular reading skills, connected with the retrieval and uses of the information presented in English scholarly sources in future financier’s professional activity is specified. Determined testing subjects were matched to the relevant testing types: 1) monitoring testing – certain operations, making up relevant receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills; proper receptive lexical and grammar reading subskills; certain reading skills, providing the implementation of a particular reading type; 2) thematic testing and homereading testing – proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills and macro-skills of scanning reading, reading for gist and critical reading tested on the materials of a particular topic; 3) module testing – proper receptive lexical and grammar reading sub-skills and macro-skills of scanning reading, reading for gist and critical reading tested on the materials of several topics at a time; 4) summative testing – macro-skills of a particular reading type and combination of macro-skills of relevant reading types tested on the full range of studied topics. The obtained results may be applied to the development of efficient test tasks for reading.


 testing, competence in reading specialist financial literature in English, testing subject, direct testing subject, indirect testing subject, operations, receptive reading sub-skills, reading skills, macro-skills of a particular reading type, English financial scholarly text.




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