Tetiana Koicheva. Diagnostics of Organizational Culture of University Teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 41-47. Odessa.


Tetiana Koicheva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, vice-rector for research,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is focused on the peculiarities of estimation of organizational culture state at the pedagogical university by teachers. One of the most important tasks in domestic higher education progress towards implementing European quality standards is corporate culture formation. Being the inner source of higher educational institutions development corporate culture reflects values and unity of lecturers and students’ ambition for achieving common goals, considering these goals as a generally accepted mission. Within the concept of unified European standards of higher education quality the assessment of university corporate culture is an obligatory parameter of monitoring its functioning. The experimental research was carried out by means of express diagnostics; it has shown that pedagogical university corporate culture represented by degreeless teachers can be of four types (according to Cameron-Quinn classification). The productivity of teachers’ scientific work within different types of corporate culture is not the same. The highest level is observed among degreeless teachers whose value preferences relate to market and hierarchical types of corporate culture. Scientific work productivity of degreeless teachers preferring clannish and adhocratic types of corporate culture is much lower. It is important that corporate culture indicators are different in terms of their impact on corporate culture state. For degreeless teachers the most significant indicators in terms of contributing to the state of corporate culture is belonging to the organization, interaction and sociability. Next is career development and organization of work. The least significant indicator is working conditions organization. Thus, the data obtained in the course of experimental research characterize the factors affecting the state of corporate culture of degreeless teachers as well as give ground for developing the procedure of corporate culture formation and development.


 corporate culture, organizational culture, pedagogical university, teachers.




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