Journal №9 2014


Чебикін О. Я.

Peculiarities of emotional sphere of students who actively use mobile phones and computers

Максименко С. Д.

Theoretical basis of psychology of personality vital energy

Чепелєва Н. В.

Understanding and interpretation of life experience as a factor of personality self-projecting

Балл Г. А.

Systemic interpretation of culture and personality in the context of ratio-humanism

Смульсон М. Л.

Analysis of the personality development process in the old age

Титаренко Т. М.

Personality’s life journeys: methods of procedurality modeling

Саннікова О. П.

Personality’s propensity to psychological overcoming subjectively difficult situations

Kwiatkowska Gra?yna

Stress management strategies of people holding managerial positions

Біла І. М.

“Child creative constructology (prolegomenon)” as effective therapeutic method

Велитченко Л. К.

Pedagogical interaction as ontological space of identification

Вірна Ж. П.

Life arrangement of positive personality: constructive prognostics and professional success

Землянська О. В.

Professional and legal culture of leader

Максимова Н. Ю.

Psychological aspects of diagnosis of propensity to addictive behavior

Сергеєва А. В.

Current scientific beliefs about genesis and formation of integral personal identity

Томчук М. І., Томчук С. М.

Destructive influence of media over emotional and sensitive spheres of a per-son in pre-school age and youth

Шевченко Н. Ф., Меняйло В. В.

Students-psychologists’ visions of future professional activity

Ананьєв А. М., Потєхіна Ю. С.

Phenomenology of pedagogical mastery (on the stage of entry into the profes-sion)

Бабчук О. Г.

Correlation of indicators of tolerance and emotionality

Василькевич Я. З.

Creativity and intelligence of primary school children: features of inter-relation

Голубенко О. І.

Peculiarities of value orientations of Chernobyl accident liquidators in remote period

Грищенко М. В.

Value orientations as indicator of professional self-fulfillment of officers of civil service of Ukraine for emergency situations

Зарецька О. О.

Personal growth and eternal values through the prism of reflection in the internet interview

Кашкарова Ю. А.

Emotional profile of games escapism display

Лазько А. М.

Perfectionism as a sign of future nurses’ motivational responsibility

Мазоренко М. О.

Image formation in the context of personality development

Максименко К. С.

Sources and current status of person-centered psychotherapy of Ukrainian psychothera-peutic school

Максимов М. В.

Formation of national identity under conditions of intercultural communication

Марциняк – Дорош О. М.

Noological and theoretical approach as a personal potential in the formation of student youth’s life values

Матієшин І. В.

Perfectionism and tendencies of athletes’ neurotization

Melenchuk N. I.

Some psychological characteristics of the adventurous personality

Овчар О. В.

Psychosocial factors of consumption behavior

Пахомова В. Г.

Psychological mechanisms of self-image institutionalization in the context of virtual reality

Саннікова А. О.

Individual psychological peculiarities of stage barriers

Siudem Anna

The self-esteem, the system of values and the sexual initiation of youth

Siudem Ireneusz

Types of personality and the tendency for corruption

Тітова К. В.

Individual psychological peculiarities of attitude towards fear of loneliness

Чиханцова О. А.

Levels of formedness of components of senior high school students’ psycho-logical readiness for foreign languages acquisition

Штепа О. С.

Specificity of psychologically resourceful people’s attitude to others

Яновська Т. А.

Specificity of identity formation at the age of adolescence

Шофолов Д. Л., Строкаль В. П.

Formation of future ecologists’ readiness for work

Санников А. И.

Theoretical models of personal regulation of decision-making by a professional

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