Journal №6 2014


Andrieieva I. A.

{Technology of training managerial staff of extreme profile organizations to proper person-nel management} 7-11

Atamanchuk  N. M.

{Psychological readiness of children with special needs for school in conditions of inclusive education} 11-15

Varina H. B.

{Genesis of researching emotional and volitional component of future practical psychologist’s professional stability} 16-21

Vashak O. O.

{Principle of nature accordance as defining basis in personality education} 21-26

Honcharova N. A.

{Planning career as determiner of professional training of future teachers} 26-30

Hritsuk O. V.

{Students’ emotional states as metacognitive formation} 30-34

Guz N. V.,  Guz V. V.

{Peculiarities of primary school pupils’ attitude to learning} 35-40

Denysov I. H.

{Background for forming teenagers’ asocial behaviour} 41-45

Dziuba T. M.

{Occupational health in system of professional’s value orientations} 46-50

Duchyminska Т. I.

{Psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming personal helplessness in the process of studying} 50-55

Ivanenko A. S.

{Status of work on preparation of mentally retarded students for future family life in special school practice and in family} 56-61

Kaliuzhna Yu. I., Yanovska T. A.

{Peculiarities of development of primary school pupils’ creative potential} 61-66

Kobylnik L. M., Katkova T. A.

{Dialectics and dynamics of axiological self-determination in training psychological students} 66-70

Lavrinenko V. A.

{Influence of interpersonal interaction on developing value and sense consciousness of teenagers belonging to informal groups} 70-75

Martyniuk A. G., Varina H. B.

{Empirical study of the process of future psychologists’ personal develop-ment by means of Geshtalt-therapy} 75-80

Metelska N. Y.

{Peculiarities of formation of future teachers’ professional self-awareness} 80-84

Miroshnechenko A. V.

{Gender peculiarities of adolescents’ attitude toward themselves} 85-89

Napreienkova T. O., Prokofieva O. O.

{Role of body therapy in future teacher’s self-actualization} 89-93

Sannikov A. I.

{Risk and locus of control as personal determinants of decision-making} 93-102

Sannikova A. O.

{Staging barriers: psychodiagnostic tools} 102-107

Sinielnikova T. V.

{Anxiety investigation of young women, who undergo identity crisis} 108-113

Falko N. M.

[Life strategy as component in construction of personality’s living space} 114-117

Falkо N. M., Pyzhyk D. I.

{The role of psychological follow-up as part of practical psychologist’s work in pre-profile training} 118-124

Kharchenko A. S.

{Рsychological peculiarities of love as basis of future teachers’ spirituality} 124-128

Tsarkova O. V.

{Psychological aspects of saving students’ mental health} 128-133

Chebykin O. Ya., Moshkovska O. O.

{To the issue of psychological expert review of imaginative literature for primary school pupils} 134-137

Shevchenko S. V.

{Conceptual aspects of studying the problems of personality’s mental capacity} 138-142

Yudina N. A.

{Research on peculiarities of students’ polimotivation} 143-148

Yalanska S. P.

{Development of student’s creativity under conditions of higher educational institution} 148-153

Yaremchuk S. V., Semikin М. О.

{The role of «case»-method in development of future teacher’s creative po-tential} 154-159

Barnych O. V.

{Formation of moral and creative components of the primary school pupil?s personality (based on M.Kotsubinsky?s artistic heritage)} 160-164

Biletska H. A.

{Experimental testing of scientific training methods effectiveness of future ecologists} 165-172

Boiko H. M.

{Acme-axiological approach to training competitive sportsmen in disabled sports} 172-176

Gorshchenko Yu. A.

{Forming evaluative and aesthetic views of future primary school teachers in higher educational institutions} 177-181

Denyshchych T. A.

{General didactic principles of students’ terminological competence formation} 181-186

Zhitaryuk I. V.

{Intersubject bonds of algebra and trigonometry} 186-189

Korkh M. V.

{Formation of active and creative personality at engineering graphics lessons} 189-192

Krasnik V. S.

{Formation of professionally caused destructions of penal system officers (as exemplified by security service officers)} 192-197

Sаkаliuk О. О.

{Organizing efficient communication in modern educational institutions} 197-200

Stas T. V.

{Model of forming future teachers’ emotional culture by means of fine art in the process of pro-fessional pedagogical training} 201-204

Chernenko N. M.

{Risk-management in the context of modern scientific researches} 204-208

Cherniak S. H.

{Social education in history of foreign and native pedagogical thought of XIX cen-tury} 209-214

Zhou Cong

{Research skills in context of training future primary school teachers} 214-218





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