Journal №5 2014


Басманова Н. И., Журавлева Л. П. Development of competenses of future psychologists
Батраченко І. Г., Плошинська А. А. Development of competenses of future psychologists
Весельська А. Л. Gender aspect of leadership: theoretical analysis
Голентовська О. С. Review of foreign and home approaches to the proble of teambuilding
Дем’янчук О. Г. Concept of "disabled child" of university students: psychosemantical study
Загурська І. С. Role of moral and emotional level of self-appraisal of first-formers at school adaptation stage
Литвинчук А. І. Structure of ecological self-consciousness
Максименко С. Д. Psychology of personality: content features
Марчук К. А. Religious world view of the medieval ukrainian
Мойсієнко Я. В. Attitude towards death as a subject of psychological research
Ревякіна О. Г. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of personal growth
Романова М. К. Development of ecological consciousness in ontogenesis as a factor of personal growth
Савиченко О. М. Reflection of athletic ability at the juvenile age in situations of self and social comparison
Титаренко Т. М. Personal growth in the limits of postnonclassical rationality
Тищенко І. А. Concept of self-realization of mature women in profession
Фальковська Л. М. Interdependence of constructs of justice and legality in assessing aggressive situations
Фурман А. В. Theoretical model of game as realization of act
Шпак М. М. Psychological mechanisms of the development of emotional intelligence
Андросович К. А. Analysis of effectiveness of social adaptation programs
Бутузова Л. П., Сидоренко Н. І. Personality profile of aware self-regulation of future teachers' behaviour
Гавриловська К. П., Климчук П. С. Gender differences in the pursuit of personal growth
Дмитрієва С. М. Psychological features of creative abilities of senior pupils
Дубравська Н. М., Фриз І. В. Responsibility as a personality trait of competitive specialist in the market of educational services
Журавльова Л. П. Empathy and personal growth in akmeological genesis
Камінська О. В. Empathy and personal growth in akmeological genesis
Кириченко В. В. Ecology aspects of information society activities
Коломієць Т. В. Empathy and motives of interpersonal interaction
Король Л. М., Максимець С. М. Psychological factors of mass media influence on the formation of contemporary youth’s personality
Котлова Л. О. Formation of conflict competence of students as a factor of their personal development
Литвиненко С. А., Ямницький В. М. The practice of supervision as a way to form a reflexive competence of future psychologists
Лісіна Л. О. The technology of creating a culture of professional thinking of future teachers}
Майстренко Т. М. Valuable determinats regulation educational activity of students in conditions of сredit-modular system
Портницька Н. Ф. On the problem of efficiency programs development of creative abilities of preschool children: results of testing
Сенкевич В. Г. Empathy in the structure of youth reaction to the danger of contracting the HIV
Стахова О. О. Pedagogical orientation as the psychological mechanism of development of professional consciousness of future primary school teachers
Тичина І. М. Peculiarities of second professional choice of higher school graduates depending on personality`s level of self-regulation
Антонян-Шевчук Б. Л. Student's family as an object of social-pedagogical analysis
Біляченко Г. П. Preparation of future social teachers to cooperate with nongovernmental organizations in terms of competence approach
Журавська О. В. Psychological analysis of professional disadaptation in activities of medical specialists who work with patients with tuberculosis
Кирильчук І. В. Comparative analysis of students' value sphere in the transition from elementary to middle classes
Котловий С. А. Socio-pedagogical conditions of social experience of non-conflict behavior in professional college
Літяга І. В., Ситняківська С. М. Social protection of population of Ukraine: socio-pedagogical context
Мазяр О. В. Peculiarities of the situational self-regulation of creatively gifted person
Матюшенко Н. В. Practically-oriented training of future teachers majoring in humanitarian sciences by means of productive technologies
Мачушник О. Л. Interest in the profession as a factor of cognitive activity of future psychologists
Никончук Н. О. Development of younger students' skills under the influence of the social environment
Палько І. М. Center of intercultural tolerance as an innovation resource of formation of the civic culture of students
Рейдало В. С. Pedagogical conditions of forming methodical competence of future teachers of Ukrainian literature



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