Journal №3 2014


Балакірєва В. А. Structure of future teacher’s preparedness for organization of primary schoolchildren’s independent training activity in institutions of boarding type
Бєляк О. М. Teaching information structuring as a component of training students of non-linguistic specialties
Біда О. А. Peculiarities of multicultural competence of foreign students and its manifestation in terms of professional training
Білак Ю. Ю., Кобаль В. І., Лях І. М. Technical and didactic aspects of applying information and communication technologies in the university studying process
Богів О. Я. Development of pedagogical education in Transcarpathian region (the second part of XVII-the first part of XX century)}
Боксгорн В. В. Theoretical and methodological foundations of studying of mass media influence on social upbringing of schoolchildren
Васьківська Г. О. Theoretical and methodological foundations of forming educations contents: humanological aspects
Віцукаєва К. М. Structural and functional model of preparing future social pedagogue as a subject of professional activity
Гамерська І. Implementation of new technologies as one of the directions of educational systems harmonization
Грона Н. В. Creative student groups in the systems of scientific and research activity of higher educational institutions of the I-II level of accreditation
Данільченко Н. І. Syntactic position: to the origin of the concept
Довбенко С. Ю. Implementation of model of forming dialogical culture of future primary school teachers
Илясов А. А. Possibilities of complicating play methods, which provide development of students’ linguistic competence
Ілляш С. Д. Information culture as an important component of primary school teachers’ professional culture
Кондратюк С. М., Павлущенко Н. М. Preparing future primary school teachers for implementing new contents of national standard of primary education
Кузьмінський А. І. Theoretical foundations of forming teachers’ pedagogical skills
Курінная Т. П. Development history of technology education in Ukraine
Кучай О. В. Forming modern stereotype of a teacher in terms of European integration
Кучай Т. П. Aesthetic education at Japanese elementary schools
Лаврентьєва О. О. Activization of future teachers’ methodological reflection by means of educational dialogue
Литвиненко С. А. Monitoring quality of future teachers’ preparation for professional pedagogical activity
Махінов В. М. Forming future teachers’ communicative competence by means of interdisciplinary connections during foreign language lessons
Мовчан В. І. Analysis of notion of primary school pupils’ design and artistic activity
Мойко О. С. History of developing informatics as fundamental science in Ukraine
Науменко У. В. Ukrainian higher humanitarian education in the context of European standards
Пальшкова І. О. Future philologists’ communicative competence: methodological aspect
Петухова Т. А. To the issue of technical competency in the context of technological education
Савченко К. Ю. Pedagogical control over transition from professionally oriented information to future preschool teachers’ project activities
Савченко Л. А. Analysis of problem of using diagnostic techniques as means of quality improvement of students’ education in pedagogical universities
Садова І. I. Implementation of developmental education technologies in pedagogical universities
Самохвалова А. Г. Development of future teachers’ readiness to overcoming communicative difficulties of pedagogical communication parties
Сивик О. А. Forms and methods of extra-curricular opportunities of mastering modern Ukrainian literature in aesthetic and educational context
Сокаль М. А. Formation of primary school pupils’ readers’ competence: studying the language of belles-lettres
Сторож В. В. Pedagogical conditions of forming future social teachers’ readiness to use socionomic technology in professional activity
Стрельбицька С. М. Peculiarities of formation of future social workers’ ethno-cultural competence in the age of globalization
Тамбовська К. В. Intellectual culture as component of high-quality education
Тимощук О. В. Concept of master degree students’ research skills in psychological and pedagogical literature
Тихонова А. Ю. Role of regional culture in future teachers’ training
Ткаченко В. В. Main aspects of concept “health-saving technology”
Ткаченко К. О. Advanced technology in educational process when training primary school teachers for forming students’ communicative qualities
Толопко О. О. Forming future teachers’ organizational competence during their studying in higher educational institutions
Турбарова Н. К. Some aspects of phraseological work at reading lessons in terms of realization of competency building approach
Харкавців І. Р. To the issue of professional self-realization of modern foreign language teacher
Чичук В. М. Main directions of using progressive ideas of polish experience of primary school teacher training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
Чусова О.М. Diagnostics of future social teachers’ readiness to work with primary school pupils with deviant behavior
Шарапа Г.Ф. Deformations of future teachers’ axiological system as factor of experiencing personal inferiority



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