Journal №10 2014


Богyш А. М.

The content and directions of scientific school activities: Ukrainian preschool linguistic didactics

Бачинська Н. Я.

Method of projects as means of development of sociocultural competence of students majoring in languages

Безукладова Л. В.

Fundamental principles of cultivating children's secular spirituality

Бєлєнька Г. В.

Factors of preschool children's responsibility formation

Богданець-Білоскайленко Н. І.

Value orientations as essential component of child's personality formation by means of belles-lettres

Богданова І. М.

Analysis of features of innovatization of future social teachers' training

Боднар С. В.

Cognitive approach to the English lexical competency development of students majoring in economics and business

Босак Н. Ф.

Stages and phases of formation of students-philologists’ phonetic and orthoepic competence

Вашуленко М. С.

Pedagogical heritage of v. O. Sukhomlinskyi as a source of forming Ukrainian-speaking personality of pre-schoolers and primary pupils

Горбунова Н. В.

Art of declamation as a means of preschoolers’ vocabulary development

Горіна Ж. Д., Гадомська А. А.

Foreign students’ speech and cultural adaptation by means of ukrainian advertisement’s creolized texts analysis

Джуринський П. Б.

Using healthcare and health developing technologies at the cognitive-enriching stage of training future teachers of Physical Education

Инжестойкова В. А., Таама Аль Атаби Аяд Хаяви

Realization of stages of forming future arts teachers’ professional and artistic culture

Іщенко Л. В. 

Specificity of training future teachers to form preschool age children’s artistic personality

Казанцева Л. І.

Conscious mastering the Ukrainian (non-native) language by children as learning condition

Калмикова Л. О.

Psycholinguistic and socio-linguistic aspects of preschool education

Кардаш І. М.

Theatrical games as a tool for the formation of a pre-school child’s creative personality

Кисельова О. І.

Role of test control in students’ knowledge assessment system at technical higher educational institutions

Кічук Н. В.

Technification of future preschool teachers’ professional training: some aspects of a problem

Ковтун О. В.

Gaming technologies in professional speech training of future atcos and pilots

Ковшар О. В.

Providing educational environment in educational process of five-year-old children

Копусь О. А.

Pedagogical technology of forming readiness of future philologists for working at profession-oriented school

Коргун Л. Н.

Training the students of the department of pre-school pedagogy for work under the inclusion conditions

Крутій К. Л.

Surzhyk as a specific phenomenon of linguistic development of bilingual preschooler

Курлянд З. Н.

Vitagene technology of future teacher’s professional identity formation

Литвиненко С. А., Ямницький В. М.

Formation of reflexive competence in the professional training of future psychologists

Луцан Н. І.

Use of speech-play activity in the formation of preschooler’s coherent speech: linguodidactic aspect

Луценко І. О.

Preparing future nursery school teachers for the organization of communicative and speech activities of older preschool children

Малік М. В.

Special course “principles of comprehensive educational establishment management in the context of inclu-sion” as element of training future education managers

Маліновська Н. В.

Development of senior preschoolers’ listening skills

Мельник Н. І. 

Providing quality preschool education in the context of analysis of preschool teachers’ training in Western European countries

Мисан І. В.

Peculiarities of experimental technique of enriching preschoolers’ speech with phraseological units

Нестеренко В. В.

Modeling students’ individual preparedness to independent educational activity in the system of part-time education

Омеляненко А. В.

Teaching children of senior preschool age making up a story-reflection

Орєхова Л. І.

The main areas of the development of educational environment in the heritage of educational and linguodidac-tics specialists from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century

Пальшкова І. О.

Specificity of content and methods of forming primary school teachers’ professional and pedagogical culture

Паскаль О. В.

Technology of social teachers’ social and pedagogical practice support

Полевикова О. Б.

Scientific and pedagogical concepts by A. M. Bohush as meaningful components of preschool children’s language education and speech development

Попова О. В.

The problems of professional training intended for the future specialists in the sphere of Chinese translation in the framework of Ukraine’s modern polycultural environment

Рябушко С. О.

One of the approaches to activation of preschool children’s interest when learning foreign language

Савченко Л. О.

Methodology for realization of training future technology and drawing teachers to pedagogical diagnostics of education quality

Садова Т. А.

Pedagogical task as means of forming future preschool teacher’s professional abilities

Семенов О. С.

Senior preschooler’s creative-oriented personality: essence and characteristic features

Тагієва І. С.

Linguoculturological approach to concept-artifacts analysis when studying Ukrainian folk tales

Топчій Л. С.

Sociocultural competence in structure of professional competence of future teachers-philologists

Трифонова О. С.

Use of linguodidactical ideas of A. Bohush in development of senior preschool age children’s speech personality

Харченко Н. В.

Psycholinguistic approaches to the development of preschoolers’ skills of operations and actions of artistic works comprehension

Цимбалару А. Д.

Didactic model of educational space in training and educational complex “preschool institution – primary general education institution”

Черненко Н. М.

Analysis and classification of possible risks in the field of education

Шиліна Н. Є.

The use of information and communicative teaching technologies when preparing children for school

Яблонська І. П.

Social worldview in the process of child’s personality socialization

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